Updates on Maui Affordable Housing Developments and Environmental Restoration Projects

Updates on Maui Affordable Housing Developments and Environmental Restoration Projects

Highlighted News Stories From Maui, Mid-July 2022

First Reading For New Property Tax Exemption Bill

Homeownership exemptions for property tax have not been raised since 2006. Two new bills for tax relief on homeowners went up for discussion at the Maui council meeting on Friday, July 15. Read more about the proposed bills at:


Acreage in Hana Placed Under Permanent Protection

Through Community and Government joint efforts, 33 Acres of East Maui land are in the process of being placed permanently under protection. The area is 1 & 1/2 miles between Makaalae Point and Waioka Pond. Read more about the groups involved in the conservation effort at:


West Maui Affordable Home Project Groundbreaking

Two hundred new units will be built in Lahaina, with the construction estimated to be completed in 2 years. The units will vary from 2 to 4 bedrooms and will be offered to community members earning 60% or less than the estimated median income. Learn more about the new housing development at:


Non-Profits Work to Restore Paukukalo Coastal Wetlands

Joint efforts between two non-profits have started a community project to restore the Paukukalo coastal wetlands. The goal is to encourage the growth of local plants along the 64-acre area. Completing this project will aid with climate change, bring back local food crops, and help clean the ocean. Learn more about the project at:


Council Decides Against Kihei Affordable Housing Project

Community members testified against the affordable housing project of 28 units in North Kihei. Maui Council decided to vote against the approval of the new development. The primary concerns over the project were over wetlands and flooding. Read more about the project disapproval at:


Waiehu Affordable Housing Project Applies for Fast Track

Developer seeks approval on a 158-acre development in Waiehu that would bring 752 new units into the community. With the affordable housing fast-track process, the developer will be able to seek certain exemptions, and the council will have deadlines to approve or disapprove of the project. The area runs alongside Kahekili Highway. Read more about this development at:


Mortgage Rates Curb Housing Market Growth

Signs are showing a cooling off of the housing market in response to the increase in interest rates. With the costs of mortgages, rising buyers are becoming more hesitant to purchase real estate. Learn about the effects around the US at:


TV Series Will Feature Maui Efforts to Combat Invasive Species

BBC’s The Green Planet will feature a spotlight on Maui’s efforts to combat miconia. The release date for the episode is August 3. Learn more about the efforts to control the invasive species at:


Efforts Start to Restore Keokea Gulch

Efforts have started to restore natural local plants to the Keokea Gulch. This project will aid with flooding, climate change, and wastewater. This will create a natural barrier for processing wastewater. Read more about the restoration project at:
