Maui County Planning Commission Votes on Transient Accommodations Bill

Sep 30, 2021Maui News and Events

The Maui Planning Commission has attempted to decide on the highly debated transient accommodations bill, which the Maui County Council has proposed to curb over-tourism. The panel did not approve of the County Council’s version of the bill but recommended the approval of the Planning Department’s revision of the bill. The measure will now move to the council’s Planning and Sustainable Land Use Committee for a hearing.

Almost 20 members of the public spoke at the commission’s meeting. While testimonies were split in support for the bill and those against it, a little more than half were supportive.

Those who support the ban of Transient Accommodation Units state that over-tourism is depleting the resources on Maui and straining the current infrastructure.

Those against the ban state that it will bring economic decline for the construction industry and many local jobs. They also stated that it would encourage illegal renting. This could decrease tax revenue, placing a tax burden on residents.

The council’s current proposal of a Transient Accommodations Bill would pause new transient accommodations. These accommodations range from short-term rentals to hotels across the entire island of Maui. This moratorium would still allow the current amount of accommodation units.

To Learn More: Read Maui County Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Notes.

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