Maui Real Estate inventory is Low, but Median home prices back under $1 million

Oct 13, 2021Maui Market Updates

There have been many reports on the rising housing costs for Maui County. The single-family home median sales price has lowered slightly to be just under $1 Million, Up over 25% from September 2020. This summer, the median price for single-family homes was over $1 Million for the first time. Many realtors project that the market will stay high as inventory remains low.

This has led Maui County to decline affordability for homebuyers and growing feelings of being priced out of the market by residents of Maui. Many residents state that they are waiting until the market to lower before purchasing.

The median condominium price has risen 46.6% from September 2020 to $729,125, and Vacant land median price has risen 21% to $849,000.

The core issue for rising prices is the inventory of properties listed for sale. New listings decreased 9.8 percent to 119 in September for single-family homes and 29.2 percent to 131 in September for condominiums. The amount of new listings coming on the market has been steadily decreasing as well.

While the prices for property on Maui are rising, the county is not alone. Similar gains are seen across the state and nation. Many markets are seeing lower than normal inventory with many people looking to purchase. Some people point to the issue that not enough housing is being built to meet demand.

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