March Maui News: Rising Electricity Bills, New Permitting, and More

Mar 17, 2022Maui News and Events

Highlighted March Maui News Stories

A lot is happening in Hawaii and on the island of Maui. As restrictions are starting to lift in the state, plenty of activity is occurring around our beautiful island. Here are some highlighted news stories from the first week of March 2022 to keep you in the know of everything happening on Maui.

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Maui County Moving to an Electronic Permitting System

The current paper application system for county permits will no longer be available on March 28. The new electronic system is expected to be live on April 18. During the downtime between systems, county departments will have limited services available by appointment only. Learn more about the transition at:

Maui Residents to See an Estimated 20% Increase in Electricity Bills

In addition to the rising gas prices, the war in Ukraine is expected to bring up electricity prices. Hawaiian Electric has estimated the rising gas price will contribute to a 20% increase in residential electricity bills for Maui. The hope is that the price increase is only temporary. Still, it is suggested that residents try to limit home activities that use extensive energy or generate heat. Learn more tips on lowering your electricity bill at:

Economist Project a Strengthening Hawaii Economy in the Coming Months

Even with all the rising costs, Hawaii economists remain optimistic concerning economic growth this spring and summer. Travel is rebounding and COVID restrictions are loosening. It is expected that travel to the islands will grow support for the economy. In 2021 job growth gained speed. This month unemployment at a low since the start of the pandemic. But, income for residents has not risen as much as expected. Read more about the many different economic factors that economists are looking at:

County Urged to Raise Property Tax to Fund Affordable Housing

At a March Affordable Housing Committee meeting, it was suggested that property taxes on Second Homes and short-term rentals should be increased. This increase would help fund affordable housing initiatives across Maui county. An estimated 70% of home purchases in 2020 were non-owner occupied. Wallethub produced a study that showed Maui county having one of the lowest property taxes on Second Homes in the US. Maui short-term rentals have one of the highest property taxes in the US. Learn more about the committee meeting and their reasoning at:

State Seeks Projects to Encourage Alternative Forms of Transportation

The Department of Transportation Highways Division is looking for programs to fund for fiscal years 2022-26. They desire to fund projects that encourage alternative forms of transportation. This funding will help decrease transportation costs and promote a greener economy. Learn more at:

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